Write for Us

Dorset is a wonderful place that is visited by people from all around the world. It has a rich history, culture, and beautiful natural beauty. When someone plans to visit, they need to know about the accommodation and dining options available. This magazine publishes articles related to Dorset accommodation and dining.

We are looking for writers to join our team. If you live in Dorset or have been there for holidays, then you can write for our magazine. You can write about your experience there. We want our readers to know about various types of accommodation available there.

We also want them to know about the pubs and what they serve. Dorset is very popular for its local food. We want our readers to know about these local foods made from fresh local ingredients. As Dorset is situated near the sea, you can get lots of fresh seafood here too. So, the readers must know about these too.

Your article must have an attractive title so that the readers feel like reading the entire article. The article must be informative and interesting. Do thorough research before writing the articles so that the information you mention in the article is genuine.

When you write about the recommended inns, try to mention the various features and rates. The readers should be able to compare the different inns and make a decision.

You can write about the local pubs and the drinks they offer. You can tell the readers about the local breweries and how they make beer. The readers will also know about the other local drinks offered at the pubs.

You can write about pub activities and the environment. There are family-friendly and dog-friendly inns and pubs in Dorset, and you can write about those too. It is easy to book these inns and pubs online. You will get tips on how to book inns at Dorset through various booking sites.

Make sure your articles are short and have a conversational style. Readers of all backgrounds should be able to understand them. For more information, please contact us.